- All Things Barber!
c/o Intellitech - 60 State Street, Suite 700 Boston, MA 02109
Phone: (855) 255-2272 Website:

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Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about how BARBinc works? We have tried to answer some of the most commonly asked questions here. If the answer to your question is not here please feel free to ask us anything using the form below.

General/Technical Questions and Answers:

I have my own website already how can BARBinc still work for me

Yes. Our Virtual Sites are hosted under however we can redirect to or we can integrate our services with your existing site for a small fee.

Do I need to buy my own domain name or will BARBinc take care of that for me

If you want your own domain you must buy the name yourself. Otherwise your site will be available at

If I move to another barbershop will be able to tell my clients

If you are an independent barber you will not only be able to tell your clients but you will be able to keep all you client information and take it with you. If you are a shop barber then the clients details remain with the shop but you can send them a notification via the mobile app that you are moving.

Can I add more barbers to my system after I have already signed up

Yes. But only if you sign up as a Shop Owner. Independent barbers are only allowed to have 1 barber. Shop owners can have as many as they like. However they are charged $5.99 for each barber for the next billing cycle after the barber is added. By default the owner is also a barber so Shop Owner sites have at least 1 barber to start.

Can I bulk email my clients?

We typically do not use email to communicate with Clients except when shop owners want to send out a broadcast. Independent Barbers can send notifications to clients Mobile App one at a time, or all at once. Shop barbers can only send notifications one at a time.

I don't have an iPhone can this still work on my phone

The Mobile Apps will work with Any Smartphone browser: Android, iPhone, Blackberry, or Windows Phone.

I don't have a smartphone but I still want to use the services. Is there another way?

Yes – all services that are available on the Mobile App will also be available on through your personal website which is included within every package

Do I need a special type of computer to run the barbershop web based system

No. The system is all hosted on our servers. The only thing you need is an internet connection.

Sales Questions and Answers:

I would love to be a sales representative for BARBinc. Is this possible?

Yes that is possible. Our Barbinc referral program has been designed in order to facilitate just that. Please visit the referrals page or email us at: [email protected] and we can provide you with more details.

I have an 2 phones. Will I have to pay for the app twice

No. The Mobile app is FREE for all customers. Your account is based upon your email address, not on your phone number or the number of phones you have. If you are a barber or a barbershop owner, once you login to the Mobile App the system will recognize your account information and give you the correct access level.

Billing/Orders Questions and Answers:

Do I have to sign a contract? How long for?

All services are available on a month to month basis with automatic renewal unless you cancel. We do also offer 1 year contracts at a further discount.

Can I cancel at anytime?

You can cancel at any time if you have a month to month contract. At that time your site will remain operational only for the current month. If you have an annual contract and you cancel your site will remain operational for the remainder of the year and then be shut down. To cancel or pause your membership please email us at: [email protected]

Once my free period is over, how is payment taken?

Currently we only accept electronic payment via Credit/Debit card. We will be expanding our methods of payment in the near future. Membership is set to renew automatically by default, however you will receive notification via email prior to renewal. If renewal process fails you will be notified and your site suspended until the issue is resolved.